NBN readyThe NBN has caused cancellation of traditional phone landlines, and back to base Alarm systems are just another casualty in the national NBN rollout.

If you are worried about the NBN, and your Alarm, don’t, as we are NBN ready.

To ensure your ongoing security, we have switched to a mobile solution, and can now offer 2 cost effective solutions.


From as little as $6.60* per week, Affordable Home Security can monitor your alarm, through the mobile phone network.

*Associated Telco fees are separate, and usually vary between 70 c/ week and $2.90 / week, depending on equipment and service options.

    ** SPECIAL deals for clients transferring from another provider **

To find out more, give us a call on (08) 8288 1515, to discuss your needs.

Ordering a SIM card

If you have already decided on a GSM unit and have been instructed to
order a SIM card, please click on the link here.